The Wellness Puzzle Podcast

Everyday joy

Episode Summary

In episode 136, I speak with speaker, coach, and author, Phil Barth. In 2015 he suffered a "small heart attack" (according to his doctor). After surgery, Phil was told to "manage my stress or get ready for a big heart attack". He was able to lower his stress, and he went on to write a best selling book about the journey "Great Things Happen Every Day - Finding Joy with Family, Friends and Banana Milkshakes". Through his journey he discovered nine tricks to managing stress (He calls them the Nine S's of Successful Stress Management). They have changed his life and now his focus is on everyday joy. This conversation will move you, inspire you, and empower you to find more joy in your life.

Episode Notes

On August 5, 2015 Phil Barth took a surprise visit to the cardiac wing of Bethesda North Hospital in Cincinnati. He had suffered what was labeled a "small" heart attack. He remembers thinking, "if this is small I'd hate to see medium." Whilst it took him a while to come to terms with the reality of his situation, he finally listened to his wife, friends and doctor, and took the advice to change his diet, start exercising more, and work on controlling stress.

It was a transformational period in his life, as he started to live more in the moment, and be able to find the incredible joy and gratitude that was waiting for hi  every day. All he had to do was look for it. Since that time he has published a daily list: Great things that happened today. Each day he celebrates the great things that happen. Since he started this journey, he has met some fascinating people, discovered new recipes and celebrated life. And he has laughed a lot. He even wrote a book on the subject - he describes it as an International Best Sort of Seller (it went to #1 on free books when he released it... that's sort of a sale). 

Phil is an exceptional communicator, with a powerful message. As a speaker, before his experience with heart disease, he shared some inspiring thoughts around goal setting as he tells his story of a three year journey to spend 15 minutes of fame, on the game show "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire" in 2003. On that show, he walked away with $32,000. This is a wonderful conversation to help you find the joy that is waiting for you every single day.

To find out more about Phil, go to his website

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