The Wellness Puzzle Podcast

Treat people right

Episode Summary

In episode 223, I speak with Veteran, mental health advocate and business owner, John Giampino. He is an ambassador for the IGY6 Foundation. Following a medical discharge from the Army in 2017 after a 31-year military career, John suffered a loss of self-worth and developed PTSD, anxiety and depression. Much of his trauma was due to how he was treated by the upper echelon in the army. Rather than give up, John used this as a profound turning point in his life and sought redefinition and purpose. John’s breakthrough came when he decided to channel his lifelong passion for fixing things into a tangible career path. After achieving a Cert III in Carpentry, John launched his business ‘I Can Fix That’, a venture that grew into a trade business employing other veterans, all thanks to the transformative program with IGY6. After seeking help for his mental illnesses which resulted in an astonishing physical and mental transformation, his mission is now dedicated to giving back and supporting others facing similar challenges. This is an inspiring podcast not to be missed.

Episode Notes

Being medically discharged from the Army in 2017 after 31 years’ service was the lowest point of John Giampino's life. After a traumatic experience, and suffering from being treated very poorly by the very people who should have supported him, he spiralled. John had spent most of his life alongside like-minded soldiers only to find himself on the other side of the fence was the day he lost his self-worth. It was a daily struggle just to keep himself in a happy place. In fact, it led him to an unsuccessful attempt to take his own life.

One day he decided to get on with his life and find something that would give him the same form of joy the Army did. He has always loved to fix things, so he sat for his carpenters ticket and started working for himself but his company just didn’t function the way I wanted it too. He  founded I Can Fix That (, however it wasn’t until he did the program with IGY6 that he was able to make it a professional business that employs other Veterans.

Via PTSD, he developed anxiety and depression and explored assistance with the NDIS. He was referred to a Life Coach who changed his life more than he could imagine it was possible. He is very grateful about what happened to him and is proof that the IGY6 program based on Neuroscience, works. He is a different person, lost 37 kilos and changed his mindset. John is very proud to have become the Ambassador for IGY6 and helping people is what he loves doing. IGY6 has already helped many other people on the NDIS as well as Veterans and he hopes that they can help many more.

Through his own treatment in the army, he is committed to treating people right and helping them in any way he can. John is making a powerful difference in the life of Veterans and Civilians alike. Enjoy this powerful conversation.

To find out about I Can Fix That, Click here

To find out more about IGY6, Click here

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